Thursday, October 21, 2010

Getting in Shape for Your Special Day.

What is your greatest fear concerning your wedding day? The groom not showing up? Your future in-law's? The reception hall burning down? While all of these would be huge problems, I have an even bigger one for you!! How about that wedding dress you picked out months ago not exactly fitting at the last minute!!

So what do you do?? Emergency liposuction, a good tummy tuck, a new pair of spanks!!! If none of these work, how about a two week fast, or running a marathon each day?

Seriously, the time to "Say Yes to the Dress", is months before your final fitting. In an article on TLC's website entitled 10 Tips and Tricks for Avoiding Newlywed Weight Gain by Natalie Kilgore, she outlines some ways that your future husband may be able to help you achieve your ultimate goal. To learn more, follow this link: Wedding Day is the day you want to feel and look your very best. So make a plan now to ensure it is a day you will always remember !!

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