Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wedding Appetizers: Witches Fingers

Ahhh….the aroma of fresh baked bread and witches fingers! Our Baked Witches Fingers in a Blanket taste great, look disgusting and will definitely hit a #10 on the “gross meter!”  These are easy to make and are a great Family Night Project for dinner.
You will need:  a package of hot dogs, package of frozen rolls or bread dough, some sliced almonds and a few drops of food coloring.

You will also need a baking sheet, a little rolling pin or a big one will do and some “Pam” so the fingers don’t stick to the baking sheet.  Nothing like having to scrape burnt witches fingers off your good baking sheets!
First take out enough frozen rolls to match the number of hot dogs you plan to use, one roll per dog.  Let the rolls thaw and then simply roll out the dough so it is almost as long as the hot dog.

Then place the dog on the edge and roll it up in the dough with the end of the dog sticking out.

Now, score the dough with your knife so the fingers will look all scraggily. Then take the knife and make a small incision on the end of the dog and insert a slice of almond. (041)
Next take a drop of food coloring and paint it on the almond slice (fingernail).

Place the fingers on a greased baking sheet and bake in a 350 degree oven for approximately 20 to 25 minutes, or until the “blanket” edges start to brown up.

Serve warm with mustard, catsup and relish (puss, blood and chopped up caterpillars according to my kids.)
Let’s go do some homework.  Where’s my shovel?  Who didn’t put the shovel and wheel barrow away last night? Did we leave it at the graveyard?…………….How many time have I told these dang kids to put away my tools?  Where’s my broom?……..
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