Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tips to Knowing He is the One

How do you know when you have met the love of your life? Most single girls in the 19-50ish range are looking for that someone special to spend the rest of their lives with. With so many confusing sources telling women opposing things to think and feel, it's hard to know which are accurate, especially when you think you have found the right guy. Here are some tips for knowing if he is the right one:

1) Do we have the same views about children?
            -eg. discipline, affection, do they even want to have children, etc.
2) Can we talk about money?
            -eg. how much to spend, how much to save, how much we each have, etc.
3) Do we have the same feelings towards family?
           -eg. do we want extended family to be integrated into our married life, in-laws, etc.
4) What will we spend our time doing?
          -eg. family activities, household chores, church, dates, etc.
5) Does he have any addictions or problems with abuse I should know about?
          -eg. drugs, pornography, familial problems, ex-girlfriends, etc.
6) The very most important question- can I see myself with him for eternity?

These are just some of the questions you should be asking yourself, and there are so many great sites and resources you can go to. Here are just a few examples:

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